Nutritious meals determine our degree of health and wellness at every stage of life. Getting enough of the right foods is especially important as the years add up. Later in life, eating well-balanced meals can determine a future of independence or a future of institutionalized care!
The Dietert Center's Nutrition team produces more than 300 lunches every weekday. Last year 80,456 total meals were prepared! Lunch is an entree, two sides, bread, beverage and dessert. The menu changes daily, with recipes developed by a licensed dietitian to meet state guidelines for balanced senior nutrition.
A majority of these lunches are delivered throughout Kerr County as "Meals On Wheels" to frail elderly who are unable to shop or prepare a meal for themselves. Dedicated and devoted volunteers drive 17 different routes, bringing a hot meal and warm friendship to folks who are mostly alone. More than 61,000 meals were delivered last year.
Click here to learn more about "Meals On Wheels."
More than 19,000 lunches are served annually in the Center's dining room. Food tastes better seasoned with good conversation, and we encourage lots of socializing and table-hopping. No one eats alone! We also celebrate all the holidays, frequent birthdays and other special events. Delicious homemade soup is always available, as well as a healthy salad bar before our main serving line opens. Our dining room is open to all ages - come join us!
Click here to learn more about our "Lunch Bunch."
The Dietert Center's Nutrition team produces more than 300 lunches every weekday. Last year 80,456 total meals were prepared! Lunch is an entree, two sides, bread, beverage and dessert. The menu changes daily, with recipes developed by a licensed dietitian to meet state guidelines for balanced senior nutrition.
A majority of these lunches are delivered throughout Kerr County as "Meals On Wheels" to frail elderly who are unable to shop or prepare a meal for themselves. Dedicated and devoted volunteers drive 17 different routes, bringing a hot meal and warm friendship to folks who are mostly alone. More than 61,000 meals were delivered last year.
Click here to learn more about "Meals On Wheels."
More than 19,000 lunches are served annually in the Center's dining room. Food tastes better seasoned with good conversation, and we encourage lots of socializing and table-hopping. No one eats alone! We also celebrate all the holidays, frequent birthdays and other special events. Delicious homemade soup is always available, as well as a healthy salad bar before our main serving line opens. Our dining room is open to all ages - come join us!
Click here to learn more about our "Lunch Bunch."