To raise awareness of the needs of those with dementia, and to provide support through educational and training opportunities, such as:
- Compassionate training and support for those with dementia and their family caregivers to help them live their best within the challenges of their disease.
- Educating the community about the signs and symptoms of dementia and providing referral to local medical practitioners for appropriate diagnosis and treatment options.
- Providing presentations and training for area groups and organizations to better understand the special challenges of dementia and how to deal compassionately and respectfully with individuals who may have memory issues.
Caring for a loved-one with memory impairment can be especially challenging! This special support group helps caregivers by sharing ideas and mutual understanding. It meets once a month on the second Wednesday at 1:30pm in the Take Five Club meeting room.
For more information, contact Dementia Care Advocates at 830-792-4044 or:
"T." Teresa Salmon, Director of Senior Support Services and DCA Coordinator, [email protected]
Martha Dickens, Take 5 Leader, [email protected]